Tuesday 6 April 2010

Title Sequence Design

I had decided to study for my title sequence designer, Kyle Cooper - one of the most notable modern designer of motion picture title sequences. Kyle Cooper specializes in crafting said title sequences - the short introductions and closings to films, videogames, and television shows that list the names of the cast and crew involved in the production. Often compared to also successful title sequence designer, Saul Bass, Kyle Cooper has worked on the titles of Spawn, Seven, Arlington Road, The Mummy and The Orphan to name but a few. Cooper's credits have even been described as "mini films in their own right" which is why I consider him a perfect candidate to study his work in title sequences.

We hope to grasp the symbolism of our film just as Cooper manages to do in his crafting of opening titles. For example in Seven, the title sequences connoted very accurately the derranged mind of the movie's serial killer and set the tone for the entire film; leaving the viewer with the mixture of both anticipation and dread - elements both crucial to interesting the viewer in the horror film they are watching.

The colours Cooper uses in his title sequence for Arlington Road are of great inspiration to our horror sequence. Cooper juxtapositioned shots of peaceful suburbia - picket fences, children on bikes, American flags - then added harsh and coarse yellow and red hues to give a sense of paranoia to the viewer, knowing that something is not quite right with this setting. I definately intend to include such colour manipulation when I edit the footage of our horror as the murders, like Arlington Road, take place in seemingly peaceful suburbia.

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